How we lack imagination….. faith is required to imagine what is wonderful beyond our sensory grasp. Our self-focus, encouraged by our pain, keeps us inside of our little dwelling. Stepping outside of ourselves is a gift – from God himself. Outside are the limitless vistas that expand our humanness and give us eternal hope. These are the places we rarely go – since we fear being overwhelmed and losing control. Pray to be overwhelmed! Pray to understand that you and I control very, very little.
God has written his love, his goodness, in letters so large across over lives that they are missed for our small thinking, our low expectations. Why do we long for a life small enough that we can handle it? Why do we prefer to live by a script that “neatly explains” the how and why of our existence? A life so small as to be readily explained is hardly worth explaining.
We see, in our expanding universe, the unending complexity of great design….the mind of the Great Designer. We long for complexity in our art, in our stories, in our philosophy. We are delighted to be surprised by the ending of a great book. Releasing ourselves to immersion in God’s great story is only achieved at great risk. The underlying plot may be tragic and harsh. It might also be too redemptive and beautiful for us to believe.
God’s story is not hidden. It is viewable for the longing, the curious, the asking.
Plainly, Jesus states that, “he who seeks will find, to him who knocks, the door will be opened”. (Matthew 7:7). God’s story is deep and complex. In our heart of hearts, we long for it to be.
Look up! There is something to see above our limited vision! But it may take an eternity to fully understand what you are looking at.